This subject is an optional course that supports the development of the Integrated English Practice subject in the major. It intends to develop in participants the sociocultural competence    by providing a general overview of the societies where the English language is spoken, more specifically Great Britain and the United States.  It also constitutes an approach to those relevant linguistic and cultural aspects of those countries to favor the empathy and respect towards the English diversity in the world .  

Video Introductorio de la asignatura realizado por la profesora MSc. Prof. Inst. Yarivis Bell González. 

This subject Sociolinguistics and non-verbal language is based on the principles of the Communicative Approach. Its basic form of teaching is through theoretic-practical activities. Non-verbal communication, and particularly, gesture language or gestural language, or body language makes use of small videos, pictures and photos that facilitate its understanding and the impact gestures have in completing getting through a message in a foreign language. Besides, it helps to avoid the cross-cultural shock an incorrect use of gestures with all the negative consequences thus their importance in FLT. Therefore, the students must develop correct habits of independent, autonomous learning, the searching of information and foremost collaborative work that may contribute to improve the teaching-learning process of English as a foreign language and therefore the integral formation of Cuban new generations.