El entendimiento de la subjetividad en el proceso docente educativo como aquella categoría en la que se identifican a los individuos como entes reflexivos de la realidad propia y social , capaces de cambiarla y transformarla. En el proceso docente educativo, se plantea un acercamiento a la subjetividad pues los que aprenden no son entes pasivos receptores de información , sino que participan de manera conciente e intencionalmente en el proceso de construcción de sus conocimientos a partir de los que ya posee. Ésto , unido a la relación eminente de esta categoría entre la cultura y la ética devienen en interesante espacio  de reflexión y debate en la enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras.

The course aims at preparing learners to face the task of delivering oral presentations in a wide range of academic situations including Diploma Paper among others.

Prof. Lic. Prof. Aux. Julio César Núñez García

Este curso contribuirá a su preparación para realizar el ejercicio de culminación de estudio, también le ayudará a desarrollar sus competencias didácticas de planeación, orientación, ejecución y control del aprendizaje de sus alumnos. Asimismo, aprenderá a desarrollar clases metodológicas instructivas en un nivel básico, que les permita en las preparaciones metodológicas contribuir a la superación del claustro de inglés en la escuela donde usted trabaja.

Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching  IV(DFLT IV)is an essential subject of this area of knowledge as Main Integrative Discipline, inasmuch as its object of study coincides with the profession object: the direction of the teaching learning process of foreign languages.

So far, you have already dealt with important issues related with this discipline that may have contributed to your professional training for the attainment of the required methodological teaching functions


-          to model the evaluation process of learning,

-          to modelthe selection and use of teaching aids,

-          to model the development of the communicative competence of your students,

-          To model activities illustrative of the relationship between research and the teaching practice.

The objectives thus expressed indicate the subject is structured in four units. Consequently, there will be a study guide corresponding to each unit of content

Evaluation: Each guide will contain the activities that should be sent to the teacher in the form and time that would be indicated.In this way, the evaluation will be established for each students.

Profesora: Marisela Alfaro Tamayo
Dear students, this course comprises different practical tasks combined with some theoretical elements to contribute to foster students' professional growth.  The selected topics are basically related with your social,cultural,academic and professional activity propitiating an effective interdisciplinary integration. Thus,they are intended to influence on the development of the teaching_learning process and to enhance your motivation towards your future profession.

Dear students, this course, as it was stated in the previous one (IEP IX),comprises some other practical tasks combined with some theoretical elements to contribute to foster your professional and cultural growth.  The selected topics are quite motivating and related with your social,cultural,academic and professional activity fostering an effective interdisciplinary integration; they are intended to influence on the development of the teaching_learning process and to enhance your motivation towards your future profession.

The content included in this topic will also help to reinforce and systematize your linguistic abilities in your mother tongue.